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5 Benefits Of Attending A Local Church

1. Spiritual Growth

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

Every week, you will have the opportunity to listen to practical messages and lessons from the Bible. These teachings aim to help believers gain a deeper understanding of God's inspired word, the Holy Bible. The church is a great place for spiritual growth. It is where people can focus on knowing God better through His inspired word. The local church is committed to helping individuals spiritually by providing guidance and support.

2. Public Worship

“I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people...” - Ps 57:9

When believers gather to worship God, it honors Jesus Christ and the local church He established. The purpose of the local church is to provide a space for believers to worship God together.   

  • Congregational singing is Biblical. 

  • Hearing and agreeing with Biblical preaching is Biblical. 

  • Sharing testimonies and needs with other believers is Biblical. 

3. Ministry Opportunities

“Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.” - Colossians 4:17

For those who follow Jesus Christ, the local church provides a platform to practice their faith. The local church offers several ministry opportunities to the believers, allowing them to fulfill the ministry that God has planned for them.

4. Protection From Apostasy

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness...” - Ephesians 4;14

"What is truth?" is a common question, asked for centuries. The Bible contains the truth. Jesus warned his followers about "wolves in sheep's clothing" who would lead many people astray from God's truth. Regular attendance at a local church can help to protect you and your family from this type of deceptive teaching.


"SBC is my church, and it is such a blessing to belong to a church that preaches God's word from the KJV Bible. I have grown tremendously in my walk with the Lord from the teaching of the Word here. I have the fellowship of a great church family in that we all support each other. If you are searching for a church, we would love for you to visit us at SBC."

Doris F., Children's Sunday School Teacher

"I am so thankful the Lord has brought us to Southside. I have grown in my relationship with my Lord and Savior since we arrived in 2018. Our church family is a real family. We pray for each other, have rejoiced in many answers to prayer, and have grieved with each other in times of loss. Each week, I look forward to seeing my church family. It's easy to see that they love the Lord and each other."

Maria H., Pastor's Wife

"I was saved in 1979 at Southside Baptist Church. I remember being under conviction and tired of my wasted, sinful life. Many of my friends had gotten saved...their happiness and new life were a witness to me. I knew Jesus wanted me to repent and trust Him as my Savior - and I did! My burdens were lifted that day, and Jesus Christ became my Savior."

Cleve L., Deacon

"My church has been a great help and hope to me. My preacher and his wife and family are unique. They make every member feel special and part of the family of God. These days, everyone needs a place where they feel loved and secure. No other place but the house of God will provide that. Come, let's love God's word together at Southside Baptist Church."

Shirley P., Children's Sunday School Assistant

"I'm so thankful that someone who had a burden prayed for me and invited me and my family to Southside Baptist Church. Southside has always been a church family that loves and prays for one another, helps one another when they can, and worships with one another. Every time I pass that little church on the side of the road, I look over there, and it blesses my heart because of all God's people that I have had the privilege to worship with there." 

Ronnie R., Church Member

"When I got saved, the desires of my heart changed, and I had a desire to be in church. Southside has always been a place that has stood on the truth and principles of God's word. I have grown spiritually and learned so much in the past few years. Through the preaching and teaching from our Pastor, I have learned how to understand my Bible better. I am thankful the Lord has put me in Southside."

Angie U., Church Member

"First of all, I thank God for saving me and thank God for my church; the church is very special to me. It helps me grow spiritually closer to the Lord and has taught me how to be a light for the Lord. It also helps me understand the Bible more from an excellent Bible-preaching pastor. I thank God for my church family and friends."

Blake U., Church Pianist

"I was saved and baptized in a small fundamental Baptist Church in Elk Mills, Tennessee. Fast forward 40ish years, my wife asked me to come to church for Southside's Mother's Day celebration. I was hooked. I had never heard the Word of God presented in such a  straightforward and heartfelt manner. Pastor Hall's method of teaching and preaching has helped me see what I've been missing. I still have much to learn and can do much more for my Lord. But I know I'm closer now to where HE wants me to be, and I know I'm being led by a good friend and Brother in Christ."

Sean W., Church Member

"I was saved when I was 13 ... but it wasn't until adulthood that I craved more knowledge, and I have found that here. I look forward to every service. I look forward to growing more in my spiritual walk with the Lord. I'm grateful for our pastor. I'm grateful for our church family..."

Jessica W., Children's Church Teacher

5. Personal Fellowship

“Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

The local church provides a nurturing environment to develop deep, meaningful, lasting relationships through Jesus Christ. At Southside, you can connect with other believers and find encouragement to inspire those around you.



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